They say the best time to prepare for a hurricane is when there’s no hurricane. So don’t wait until there’s impending danger to implement the hurricane safety tips below.
Summer is just around the corner with its promise of BBQs, pool parties, and relaxing times with friends and family. You can help prevent injury and sickness from ruining your good time by following the summer safety tips below.
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the usual frenzied fun with family and friends. The hectic atmosphere of having so many people in your home while you’re trying to cook invites the possibility of mistakes and potentially fires.
During cold and flu season, it is particularly important to make sure your home is as germ-free as possible. Not only will your home be cleaner and smell nicer, these tricks for keeping the germs at bay will help you stay out of the doctor's office.
Fire pits are quickly becoming one of the most coveted home additions. It’s a relatively inexpensive way to add an outdoor social element to your home, and provides warmth and fun for all your guests.
Warmer weather means more time outdoors for your little ones and oftentimes involves adventures on a swing set.
Quite a few homes are protected against smoke, fire and burglaries, but when it comes to lightning protection, homeowners are either uninformed or ignorant. "It won't happen to me" seems to be the general consensus, but one day it could happen.
Summer has arrived and that means grilling season is here! There’s nothing better than throwing some meat and vegetables on the grill and enjoying a barbeque with family and friends.
Now with summer and the Atlantic hurricane season well underway, the potential for strong storms pose safety threats. The National Weather Service signifies severe summer weather as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and thunderstorms.
With everyone gearing up for fall, homeowners should start thinking about ways to prepare their homes for the upcoming winter season. Take advantage of the cooler, temperate weather to tackle outdoor projects now.